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Module 3: Scheduled Course Status Reports for Group Leaders

Setting Up Scheduled Reports

The Group Reports module allows you to send automatic email reports to group leaders. Here’s how to set it up:

  1. Go to LearnDash LMS > Groups > Edit Group > Settings.
  2. Toggle the “Enrolled Users Report” option under Display and Content Options to “On”.
Group Reports

How the Report Works

When the group report is enabled, it will send a scheduled report to the group leader. The report will contain the information about all the enrolled users and their progress status for the group enrolled courses.

Configuring Report Parameters

You can configure how often the report is sent, which courses to include in the group and much more. Adjust the parameters as needed:

  • Report Frequency: How often the report should be sent to the group leader (or any other recipients). One of the following options can be selected:
    • Weekly (Default)
    • Monthly
Configuring Report Parameters
  • Report Order By: Choose the report column which should be used to order the CSV records.
Configuring Report Parameters 2
  • Report Recipients: Choose which additional emails (comma separated) should receive the report along with the Group Leader.
Configuring Report Parameters 3
  • Report Courses From: Choose the timeline from when the courses should be included? If not empty, Only the courses that were enrolled into the group after selected time will be included in the report. One of the following options can be selected:
    • 12 Months (Default)
    • 24 Months
Configuring Report Parameters 4
  • Single Sheet Report: You can choose the report to be a single sheet report. If enabled, all the courses in sub(child) groups will be merged in a single sheet. Otherwise each group will have a separate sheet for its courses and records.
Group Reports
  • Include Completion Date: You can choose whether the report should include the user’s course completion date.
Group Reports

Understanding the CSV Reports

The reports are sent in CSV format and include detailed progress information for all users in the group. User’s progress in all group courses, whether enrolled or not, will be included. The report will highlight the columns accordingly to make it easy to understand. The progress will be labeled as either of “Course Completed”, “Completed”, “Course Not Completed”, “In Progress”, “Not Started” or “Not Enrolled”. If the “Include Completion Date” settings is enabled, the report will show course completion date instead of labels of “Course Completed” or “Completed”.

Group Reports

Tutorial Video