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Module 15: Custom Notifications

How the Custom Notifications Work

The Custom Notifications module allows you to send customized notifications to the LearnDash users. Here’s how to set it up:

  • Navigate to LearnDash Advanced Toolkit.
  • Locate the “Custom Notifications” tab.
  • Type the message in the “Notification Content” textarea.
Custom Notifications
  • Select the “Send To” field that has following fields:
    • “All Courses” -> Send the notification to the users enrolled in all courses.
Custom Notifications
  • “All Groups” -> Send the notification to the users enrolled in all groups.
  • “Specific Courses” -> Send the notification to the users enrolled in the specific courses. You can choose one or more courses.
  • “Specific Groups” -> Send the notification to the users enrolled in the specific groups. You can choose one or more groups.
Custom Notifications
  • Click on “Send Notification”.
  • The user sees the notifications in on the bell icon in LearnDash focus mode.
Custom Notifications

Video Tutorial