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Module 4: Outstanding Courses Email

Configuring Email Schedules

The Outstanding Courses Email module allows you to schedule emails to users for outstanding courses. Set up schedules as follows:

  1. Navigate to LearnDash Advanced Toolkit.
  2. Locate the “Outstanding Courses Email” tab.
  3. Toggle the “Email Enable/Disable” option to “On”.
Outstanding Courses Email

Personalizing Email

  • Email Start After: You can choose the number of days after which the module starts sending the email to users.
Outstanding Courses Email
  • Email Frequency: How often the emails should be sent to the users. One of the following options can be selected:
    • Weekly (Default)
    • Monthly
    • Quarterly
Outstanding Courses Email
  • Email Subject: You can personalize the email subject.
Outstanding Courses Email
  • Email Content: This section allows you to personalize the email content just as you want. This editor supports a shortcode which can be used to list the outstanding courses for the user. The shortcode can be used as [lat_outstanding_courses_list user_id={{user_id}}]
Outstanding Courses Email

Manually Running the Scheduled Emails

You can send the scheduled emails with just one click.

  1. Navigate to LearnDash Advanced Toolkit.
  2. Locate the “Outstanding Courses Email” tab.
  3. Click on the Send Reports Now button. That’s it.
Outstanding Courses Email

Testing the Email

You can test the email with just one click. For testing the email follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to LearnDash Advanced Toolkit.
  2. Locate the “Outstanding Courses Email” tab.
  3. Under the “Test with a User” section, Select a user and click on the Send Test Report button. That’s it.
Outstanding Courses Email

Tutorial Video