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Important LearnDash Shortcodes that You Should Know

LearnDash Shortcodes

When learning WordPress and LearnDash, you may come across the term “shortcode.” You can use it everywhere you need a dedicated function, and it’s much simpler than conventionally lengthy pieces of text. Shortcodes will be what you’re searching for if you’ve been playing about with LearnDash and need assistance with the coding side of things. Dedicated plugins exist for LearnDash that can eliminate the need for coding. A LearnDash shortcode enables you to utilize particular features and capabilities on your website. 

Important LearnDash Shortcodes that You Should Know

This concise guide covers some important LearnDash shortcodes that you should know, explains the fundamentals of these codes, and highlights the most popular ones used in learning management systems.

What is a Shortcode?

Shortcodes are just what their name suggests: a shorter or abbreviated code. Shortcodes, which WordPress uses, provide instructions on how to use specific features or functionalities in particular places. They are useful when creating and editing websites, especially those that use LearnDash.

  • Typically, a shortcode is designed to clearly indicate its function to the user. It uses specific words as hints and brackets enclose the code on both sides.
  • They may also provide a parameter or option to personalize the data you want to display. These codes offer guidelines for using them, but each is different.
  • WordPress will read the shortcode you entered into the editor or page builder and then know to run a lengthier code section.
  • Learning how to use shortcodes for your LearnDash site is one of the most effective things you can do because their sole purpose is to save you, the website creator, time, which they do.

How to Use LearnDash Shortcodes?

With LearnDash LMS, you can add content to your website using a variety of shortcodes without having to work directly with the underlying code. Shortcodes can be added to a LearnDash LMS course, lesson, topic, or quiz. However, if you’re currently on the post-edit page, you may easily insert the LearnDash LMS shortcode of your choice by clicking the screen icon.


There are many shortcodes in LearnDash that you can use to display different types of data.

These shortcodes have been converted into LearnDash blocks, so you may place them using Gutenberg if you’re using WordPress 5.0’s new content editor.

What are LearnDash Shortcodes?

1. [ld_course_info]

This shortcode shows the user’s completed quizzes, course details, course progress, and list of enrolled courses.

2. [ld_profile]

This shortcode, when used, displays the following user information: name, avatar, total courses taken, course points earned, certifications earned, quiz results, and a list of the courses in which they are currently enrolled.When used, this shortcode displays the user’s name, avatar, total number of courses taken, course points earned, certifications earned, quiz results, and a list of the courses they are currently enrolled in.

3. [ld_course_list]

The list of all the courses is shown. There are many choices for personalization. It will display courses in a grid form when the Course Grid add-on is installed, simplifying it.

4. [learndash_login]

The LearnDash registration and login pop-up are displayed when the shortcode is clicked.

5. [student]

Displays information for a user signed up for a course. A space for the content should follow the beginning and ending tags.

6. [ld_user_course_points]

It shows the user’s earned course points on any page.

7. [learndash_course_progress]

Displays a progress bar with the user’s progress for that course.

8. [ld_lesson_list]

Identical to [ld_course_list], except it presents a list of lessons. Uses the Course Grid add-on as well.

9. [ld_topic_list]

A list of subjects is displayed, like [ld_course_list]. Uses the Course Grid add-on as well.

10. [ld_quiz_list]

The [ld_course_list] equivalent provides a list of quizzes. Uses the Course Grid add-on as well.

11. [ld_group_list]

Identical to [ld_course_list]; however, it presents a list of groups. Uses the Course Grid add-on as well.

12. [course_content]

This shows a comprehensive list of all the lessons, subjects, and tests in the course.

13. [user_groups]

This shows a list of the groups to which some people have been designated as leaders or users.

14. [ld_course_expire_status]

This shows the user’s current course’s expiry date.

15. [ld_video]

Anywhere on a lesson or subject page will show a video. For this shortcode to function, video progression is required.

16. [learndash_payment_buttons]

The place on the website shows the payment button for a certain course.

17. [ld_certificate]

This shows a download link for a certificate that has been earned.

18. [ld_course_resume]

It reroutes users to the last Course stage (link or button format).

19. [ld_reset_password]

This creates a password reset form that users may utilize to change their passwords.

Conditionally Display Content

1. [visitor]

Content is displayed if a student is not enrolled in a course. [/visitor] must be added as a closing tag.

2. [student]

Content is displayed if a student IS registered for a course. It may be used to show content to specific students based on their user ID. Need the [/student] closing tag.

3. [course_notstarted]

Content is displayed if a student has access to a course but hasn’t taken action. Has to be closed using the tag [/course_notstarted].

4. [course_inprogress]

Content is displayed if a student has access to a course and has finished at least one step of the course but not all of it. Has to be closed using the tag [/course_inprogress].

5. [course_complete]

Shows material if a student has finished a course. Calls for the closing tag [/course_complete].

6. [ld_quiz_complete]

Displays content after a user passes a test. Calls for the closing tag [ld_quiz_complete].

7. [ld_group]

Sends group enrollees a specific message in display form. Requires a closing [/ld_group] tag and the required group ID.

Shortcodes for Certificate 

Shortcodes for certificates can only be used to create LearnDash certificates. They enable you to show dynamic information about the user and the course or test for which the certificate is awarded. The user’s name, the course title, the completion date, the quiz grade, and many other details can be inserted. There are four major shortcodes, and each shortcode can produce a variety of data. 

LearnDash certificate shortcodes in admin

Additionally, the WordPress admin section lists all certificate shortcodes under LEARNDASH LMS > CERTIFICATES. At the top, select the Shortcodes tab.

LearnDash Certificate Shortcodes

  1. [usermeta] reveals details on the student, such as their email address, last name, and first name.
  2. [courseinfo] shows information about the course (works only when certificates are linked to the course).
  3. [quizinfo] displays information about the quiz, including the title, score, and points earned, among other things.
  4. [groupinfo] shows details about a group (only applicable when a group has certificates issued).

Do you want to create a powerful and engaging online learning platform using WordPress and LearnDash? 

TeknoFlair is a team of LearnDash experts who can help you design, develop, and customize your LearnDash site according to your needs and preferences. We can help you with:

  • Installing and configuring LearnDash and its add-ons on your WordPress site.
  • Creating and managing courses, lessons, topics, quizzes, certificates, and more using LearnDash.
  • Using shortcodes to display course information, user profile, course list, login form, certificates, breadcrumbs, and more on your site.
  • Customizing the look and feel of your site using themes, plugins, CSS, and HTML.
  • Integrating your site with other tools and services such as WooCommerce, BuddyPress, Zapier, Mailchimp, and more.
  • Providing ongoing support and maintenance for your site.

With TeknoFlair, you can enjoy the benefits of online learning, such as:

  • Convenience: You can offer your courses to anyone, anywhere, anytime. You can also access and manage your site from any device.
  • Engagement: You can create interactive and immersive learning experiences for your learners using multimedia, gamification, social learning, and more.
  • Effectiveness: You can track and measure your learners’ progress and performance using reports, analytics, feedback, and more.
  • Profitability: You can monetize your courses using various methods such as subscriptions, memberships, one-time payments, coupons, and more.

We look forward to working with you and helping you achieve your online learning goals.

People also ask 

How do I use LearnDash’s shortcode?

The [learndash_course_progress] shortcode comes standard with no parameters; however, there are two additional ones you can use:

  • user_id=”5″ for learndash_course_progress – Shows the development for a certain user.
  • LearnDash course_id=”12″ learndash_course_progress – Shows the development of a certain path.

What is the course description for the LearnDash shortcode?

The basic course content table displayed on course pages by default (behind any content you provide) is replicated in the LearnDash Course Content block/shortcode. It shows a thorough summary of the course and the user’s advancement.

How may parameters be added to a shortcode?

You can accomplish this by simply adding a parameter to alter the URL. The shortcode_atts() method will merge user attributes with any existing attributes, and set any missing information to its default value.

What functions do shortcodes serve?

Interestingly, you can enhance the user experience by using shortcodes. You can insert these shortcodes into your posts, pages, widgets, or theme files to display specific functions or content. They offer easy-to-use features like buttons, forms, galleries, and much more.

Shortcodes: What Are They?

So, a shortcode is a text tag uniquely formatted, opens and closes with square brackets, and may be immediately added to a blog post or page. By using this tag, which WordPress automatically interprets, you can add features without writing any computer code.

Key Takeaways

  • Shortcodes in LearnDash are simplified codes that allow you to add specific features and functionalities to your WordPress website without needing to write complex code.
  • Hence, Shortcodes, enclosed in square brackets, add website functionality for users.
  • Also, LearnDash provides a variety of shortcodes to enhance the functionality of your online courses and learning management system.
  • Hence, Shortcodes for certificates in LearnDash include [usermeta], [courseinfo], [quizinfo], and [groupinfo], each serving different purposes related to displaying certificate information.
  • Additionally, you can easily use LearnDash shortcodes by inserting them into your course, lesson, topic, or quiz content or using the Gutenberg editor if you have WordPress 5.0 or higher.
  • Hence, the popular LearnDash shortcodes include [ld_course_info], [ld_profile], [ld_course_list], [learndash_login], [student].
  • Furthermore, LearnDash also allows you to conditionally display content based on user enrollment and course progress using shortcodes like [visitor], [student], [course_notstarted], [course_inprogress], [course_complete], and [ld_quiz_complete].
  • Similarly, for LearnDash certificate-related information, you can use [usermeta], [courseinfo], [quizinfo], and [groupinfo] shortcodes.
  • Also, you can customize LearnDash shortcodes by adding parameters to tailor the displayed data.

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