The Lead Magnet Plugin is an add-on for LearnDash that generates custom PDF reports based on quiz performance. It calculates quiz results for different question categories and dynamically generates content for the PDF report. Additionally, it allows administrators to configure content for specific percentage ranges and customize PDF design and email settings. Users can download the PDF report upon quiz completion, and admins can activate the option to send it via email.
Installation Instructions
To get started with the Lead Magnet Plugin follow these steps:
Download the plugin from My Account > Downloads.
Upload and activate the plugin via your WordPress dashboard.
Navigate to the Lead Magnet Plugin to configure it as per your requirements.
Getting Started
Setting Up License Keys
To access premium features and receive updates, enter your license key in the plugin settings. Here’s how:
Navigate to Lead Magnet Plugin.
Locate the “License” sub-menu in Report menu.
Enter your “Email” and “License Key”.
Click the “Activate” button.
Admin Menu & Settings
The Lead Magnet Plugin adds five submenus under the “Lead Magnet” menu in the WordPress dashboard:
1. Content Settings
In this section, administrators can define custom content based on quiz performance for each question category.
Select Category: A dropdown listing all question categories.
Starting Percent: Numeric field to define the starting percentage range (e.g., 20%).
Ending Percent: Numeric field to define the ending percentage range (e.g., 50%).
Content Editor: A WP editor to add content to be displayed for the selected category and percentage range.
Select a question category.
Define a percentage range (e.g., 20% to 50%).
Add content in the WP editor for that range.
Click Save.
The saved data is shown in a table below with Edit and Delete options.
2. PDF Settings
This section is for customizing the appearance and content of the generated PDF report.
Logo: Upload an image to serve as the PDF logo.
Header Content: Text input for the header section of the PDF.
Footer Content: Text input for the footer section of the PDF.
Additional Content: WP editor to define content that appears as the first paragraph in the PDF report for all categories.
3. Email Settings
Here, administrators can configure the email settings for sending quiz results as a PDF attachment.
Send PDF on Quiz Completion: Checkbox to activate email sending upon quiz completion.
Email Subject: Text input for the email subject.
Email From: Field to specify the sender’s name.
Email Content: WP editor to add custom email body content (PDF will be attached).
4. Custom Fields
This section allows admins to configure custom fields for selected quizzes.
Select Quiz: A dropdown that lists all quizzes.
When a quiz is selected, the following fields will automatically be added to the quiz form:
These fields will appear before the quiz starts.
5. License Settings
The plugin requires activation to work. In the License Settings submenu:
Email: Enter the email used to purchase the plugin.
License Key: Enter the license key provided upon purchase.
Click Activate License to validate the license and activate the plugin.
Quiz Completion Process
Once the plugin is configured, it integrates with LearnDash quizzes as follows:
Upon starting the quiz, users are required to provide their Username and Email (if the Custom Fields are enabled for that quiz).
The quiz is completed and graded normally by LearnDash.
Based on the quiz performance, the plugin calculates the marks for each category.
A PDF Report is generated based on the configured content for each category’s performance (e.g., content for 60% will differ from content for 50%).
If enabled in the Email Settings, the PDF report is emailed to the user automatically.
After the quiz completion, the user can also download the PDF report via a Download PDF button.